About us

About us

Incorporated in 1985, World Emergency Relief (WER) is a Non-Profit Public Benefit organization (EIN 95-4014743). WER has ongoing projects both nationally and internationally. 

“Giving Children A Living Chance” has been the driving force behind World Emergency Relief with the aim of helping the poorest of the poor. The vision of our CEO, Kristy Scott, is to help children and their families who live in poverty, suffer from illness, are persecuted or have fallen victims to misfortune.

Statement of Faith

  • God is sovereign, and His grace is sufficient for all our justification.
  • God appears in the Bible and throughout history as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit in creation, providence, revelation, redemption and final judgment.
  • The Bible is divinely inspired, and is totally trustworthy and is the supreme authority in all matters of faith and conduct.
  • The life and work of Jesus Christ, best exhibited through the Cross, is our all-sufficient ground for redemption from the guilt and power of sin.
  • The only salvation for lost and sinful people is through regeneration by God through the working of the Holy Spirit.
  • The contemporary ministry of that same Holy Spirit enables a Christian to live a godly life to its fullest.
  • Jesus Christ will return to this world in power and glory, to judge both the living and the dead.
  • Christians are to function as the Body of Christ in this world and that spiritual unity of believers embraces equality across racial, gender, cultural and class differences.
  • Our challenge as Christians is to find God’s Will, and then do it…recognizing that in all matters we are to love God and to love our neighbors.
  • A personal relationship with God is essential to effective Christian life. The best nurture for that relationship is through regular, daily prayer and Bible study.