Monthly Giving

Monthly Giving

Food security, clean water, access to medical care, and education are the foundation of a child's well-being. Monthly giving is one of the most powerful ways you can provide for those needs and to help  children and their families thrive and survive. 
Please join World Emergency Relief's mission to give children a living chance by making a monthly, quarterly or annual commitment. 


Waisenhaus Mosambik Hoffnung fuer Kinder


In Africa and Asia, WER provides care and nutritional support for orphans and refugees. Our "Mamas" provide safety, comfort and  emotional support to distressed children. 


Clean Water

A major focus of World Emergency Relief is to provide safe water for communities affected by natural disaster, drought, and lack of running water, as is the unfortunate case for many Native Americans in the US. Overseas the lack of clean water contributes to medical crises due to water-borne diseases such as cholera, dysentery, and Hepatitis A.

Schulkinder Cambodia


Schools not only prepare children for the future, but in many countries it offers children their only meal of the day. WER provides educational supplies and nutritional support for schools in Africa and Asia.


medical aid

WER ships medical equipment and supplies to hospitals and medical clinics in developing countries, significantly improving healthcare in those locations. WER is also spearheading a new Telemed program in DR Congo to bring modern medicine to remote regions of the country.

Would you like to more information about our programs?
Please contact our team and we will be happy to answer your questions.

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