

WER supports African orphanages by providing rice, beans, flour, cooking oil, and other cooking essentials. This helps guarantee that the children receive at least one hot meal daily. We also offer material and emotional support.
DR Kongo Kind im Krankenhaus

DR Congo

World Emergency Relief supports an orphanage in DR Congo near Dr. John's clinic with emergency supplies and food to ensure that children get a warm meal a day.

Mozambique support for oprhanage


It is still one of the poorest countries in the world. Half of the population lives on less than one US dollar a day. The young garbage collectors of Maputo do not even earn 50 cents.

South Africa support for orphanage

South Africa

Eight widows take care of more than 120 orphans and vulnerable children. They offer a house to gather, psychological support, schoolwork supervision, and one hot meal daily.

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