Covid-19 USA Native Americans

Covid-19 USA Native Americans

As the immense magnitude of the COVID-19 crisis continues, our hearts go out to all who have been affected. In these times it is important for us at Native American Emergency Relief to keep our perspective and know that, although incredibly painful, this crisis will pass. With hardship increasing across Indian country and resources declining quickly, we at Native American Emergency Relief are committed to continue our work to meet the needs of the children and families who depend on us now more than ever. NAER is responding to the covid-19 pandemic with 26 tons of fresh produce, dried beans, diapers, blankets, bleach and disinfectant wipes to help keep Native American families safe and healthy.
Distribution Ecolab
We shipped a truck filled with bleach, disinfectant wipes, food, personal hygiene items, diapers, blankets and clothing to the Navajo Reservation plus another truckload full of fresh broccoli, lettuce, squash, mushrooms, green onions and tomatoes as part of our COVID-19 emergency response for our American friends.
But much more is needed at this is just the beginning of the crisis for the Navajos, Hopis, Apaches and Zunis in our distribution network.

For those who are in the position to assist, please help WER respond to this crisis with your best donation today.

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